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Eanes ISD School Board Elections
May 2022


I'm a mom in Eanes

Hi. I'm a mom of two young kids who lives in the Eanes ISD school district. My oldest is starting school soon, so I've been researching Eanes ISD and the upcoming school board elections. I had a hard time finding relevant information about the candidates, so I thought it would be helpful if I compiled some information in one spot, for anyone else to use. 

No one paid me to create this. I don't work for any of the candidates. I don't work for Eanes ISD, and Eanes ISD did not sponsor or endorse this website. I'm not employed in the political field.

You can contact me at


Early voting runs from April 25 through May 3, and election day is May 7. 


Eanes Independent School District

601 Camp Craft Road

Austin, TX 78746

Go Vote Flyers

Candidate Websites

Place 6


Place 7

Comparing Candidates

I had a hard time determining what set the candidates apart. They all have similar priorities stated on their websites. If the candidates have basically the same priorities, then what distinguishes one candidate from the other?

I think it comes down to the candidates' positions on the Eanes ISD diversity, equity, and inclusion initiative ("DEI program") and their general qualifications. 

DEI Initiative

Here's a breakdown of the candidates' positions on the DEI initiative quoted from: (1) this article from the Austin American Statesman; (2) a series of podcast interviews hosted by "Eanes Kids First," an organization with a mission to "get[] Critical Race Theory out of our schools"; (3) a forum hosted by "Eanes ISD Special Ed Parent Working Group" (SWPG); and (4) a forum hosted by the Lost Creek Neighborhood Association.

Place 6

  • Heather Sheffield (incumbent): The AAS article says that Ms. Sheffield "has been a supporter" of the DEI initiative and "wants to bring in more community members and make sure everyone understands the goals of the program." In the Lost Creek Forum, Ms. Sheffield confirmed her support for the DEI initiative, and clarified that the initiative is meant to ensure that "staff and students feel safe and supported while at school," in particular that special education students feel included. (Source at 38 mins.) She repeated the same statement in the SWPG forum, pointing out that special education students should be part of the "inclusion" part of DEI. (Source at 38 minutes.) Ms. Sheffield states that her main priority is to ensure that educational experience are good for all students. (Source at 48 minutes.)

  • Jim Withers (challenger): As stated in the AAS article, Mr. Withers' goal is "to unite people around a DEI program that is best suited to the needs of everyone in the district and to be transparent." In his podcast interview, Mr. Withers suggests we need to "soften the tone of DEI" and "bring back positivity." (Source at 47 mins.) 

--> Ms. Sheffield supports the DEI initiative. It seems like Mr. Withers wants to change certain aspects, but he's not clear about what he'd change.  

Place 7

  • Ellen Balthazar (incumbent): I emailed Ms. Balthazar about her position, and she said: "I strongly support the work we are doing on the DEI front, as well as other social-emotional needs of our students." In the Eanes Kids First podcast interview, Ms. Balthazar said that the Board adopted the DEI initiative to help staff deal with difficult conversations related to race and social injustice. (Source at 39 mins.) Ms. Balthazar describes how the DEI initiative helps kids, in particular with college admissions and improving grades. (Source at 53 mins.)

  • Jay Lamy (challenger): In the AAS article, Mr. Lamy says he "does not think the current DEI initiative should remain at Eanes because he feels it is too divisive and too expensive." In the podcast interview, Mr. Lamy said that DEI was undefinable and chaotic. He says that he never needed a DEI program. He wants to take all politics out of school (inferring that DEI is too political). (Source at 48 minutes -  1 hour.) In the Lost Creek forum, Mr. Lamy suggested he might roll back the DEI initiative if there were budget cuts. (Source at 54 minutes.) 

  • David Barrutia (challenger): In the article, Mr. Barrutia said that "he supports the district’s DEI initiative but wants to improve transparency and bring more members of the community into the conversation." In the podcast interview, Mr. Barrutia says that DEI can help expand diversity of thought and opinions, but the process of adopting the initiative was wrong. In the Lost Creek forum, Mr. Barrutia pointed out that was born in Peru, previously lived in China, and speaks multiple languages. (Source at 12 minutes.) Mr. Barrutia thinks Eanes is "multi-cultural" and that we can simply celebrate each other's heritage. (Source at 58 minutes.) Mr. Barrutia repeated similar thoughts in the Lost Creek Forum. (Source at 42 minutes.)

--> Ms. Balthazar supports the DEI initiative. Mr. Lamy wants to get rid of it. I think Mr. Barrutia supports DEI, but he might want to change certain aspects.

Children in School Bus

A Little More About "DEI"

Eanes created the DEI initiative after George Floyd's murder. (Source.) Here's an interview explaining the DEI initiative. Eanes ISD hired a consultant named Mark Gooden, who "conducted needs assessments, offered staff diversity training, and led student focus groups." (Source.) A current school board member says "the goal of the DEI initiative is to make sure every student feels they belong in Eanes and thereby improve student outcomes." (Source.)


There is public support for the DEI initiative. There's an Instagram account called @racismatwestlake that includes testimonials about racism from students. A large group of students, alumni and families formed Chaps for an Anti-Racist Eanes ("CARE"). There's a group called "Eanes for Equity" that created a voter's guide.


Unfortunately, some members of our community believe that the DEI initiative teaches "critical race theory," or CRT for short. But the Texas legislature already banned CRT from public schools. Eanes does not and cannot teach CRT in schools -- CRT is already banned by state law. Here's an article that discusses the fights and disagreement over the DEI initiative. This video shows parents screaming at the Eanes school board under the mistaken assumption that Eanes teaches CRT. Some parents even sued Eanes over the adoption of the DEI initiative. 

DEI was the defining issue in the last elections, held in May 2021. The incumbents were board members when Eanes established the DEI initiative, and continued to support the initiative during their campaigns. The incumbents won and defended their seats. (Source, source.) The challengers unsuccessfully argued that the DEI initiative lacked "diversity of thought" and was too expensive. By "diversity of thought," the challengers mean that the school board didn't "listen[] to or includ[e] parents who are opposed to, or unsure of, the DEI initiative." (Source.)

--> The arguments advanced by the challengers during the last election are basically the same as those advanced by the current challengers in this election. 

Budget and Qualifications

All of the candidates prioritize the budget. Mr. Lamy even says that Eanes has a "looming financial crisis approaching like a slow-motion tidal wave." (Source.) I didn't realize the Eanes ISD budget was in such a crisis; indeed, I was under the impression that Eanes was one of the wealthiest school districts in Texas. 

Place 6

  • Heather Sheffield (incumbent): In this interview, Ms. Sheffield states: "I am uniquely qualified because I've done this work and I understand school finance, which is crazy hard to understand. It’s very complicated. I think that it's important to have an advocate on the board, who knows how to advocate for our district."

  • Jim Withers (challenger): Mr. Withers hasn't served on a school board. He believes that he is qualified to balance the budget because he has business experience. Mr. Withers has an MBA and is also a real estate developer. 

Place 7

  • Ellen Balthazar (incumbent): Ms. Balthazar has been on the Eanes school board for 20 years. After such a long tenure, and especially given Eanes' outstanding reputation, one would conclude that Ms. Balthazar is highly experienced with school finance. Ms. Balthazar was the CEO of "Any Baby Can," so she also has business experience.

  • Jay Lamy (challenger): Mr. Lamy hasn't served on a school board. He believes that he is qualified to balance the budget because he has business experience, including being an investment banker and real estate developer. 

  • David Barrutia (challenger): While Mr. Barrutia hasn't served on a board, he has substantial experience in education. He has advanced degrees in education, and he's worked as a vice principal, school counselor, teacher. (Source.) Locally, he's been a committee member on "Envision Eanes" and is a substitute teacher in Eanes. (Source at 10 mins.) He's spoken at many different education conferences. (Source at 50 minutes.) Mr. Barrutia suggested that we can work together as a community to find solutions for the budget. (Source at 1 hr 20 mins.)

A Word About Book Banning

There's been a lot in the news about school districts banning books. Many of the targeted books relate to LGBTQ issues.


A series of podcasts hosted by "Eanes Kids First" asks the candidates about their views on book banning. I did not summarize the discussion on book banning because the podcast host asked multiple leading questions and advanced subjective positions. I think it's wrong to play into the narrative that our schools are flooded with obscene books that need to be banned.

Reading in a Bookstore

Campaign Finance

There are school board signs EVERYWHERE -- mostly for the challengers Mr. Withers and Mr. Lamy. Who paid for all those signs? You can pull campaign finance reports here. Here are the total contributions for the last 30 day period. 

Place 6

  • Heather Sheffield (incumbent): Approximately $11k

  • Jim Withers (challenger): Approximately $141k. Mr. Withers had ten (10) donations of $10k 

Place 7

  • Ellen Balthazar (incumbent): Approximately $12k

  • Jay Lamy (challenger): Approximately $25k, plus some loans from family members

  • David Barrutia (challenger): Zero contributions

My Vote

Here's how I plan to vote: 

Place 6: Heather Sheffield

  • Reasons: I can't find much difference between the policies of Ms. Sheffield and Mr. Withers, but I'm highly suspcious of Mr. Withers campaign contributions and whether he's being funded by right-wing organizations.


Place 7: Ellen Balthazar

  • Reasons: I won't vote for Mr. Lamy because he's on record as wanting to get rid of the DEI initiative, and he has no substantial experience in education. I think Mr. Barrutia would be a great board member, and in particular I appreciate his background, but still think Ms. Balthazar is more qualified.

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